EDM machining
For the EDM machining of, for instance injection moulds, key-ways and spline- gearings, the machine park of Nefratech EDM-Center also has a EDM machining device: the 4-axle CNC-controlled SODIC AG40L EDM machining device.
The ‘Nefratechers’ completely master the zinc eroding. The advantage of this is the short lead time for the manufacture of (also complex!) products. EDM machining is often used for the creation of injection moulds. Spark erosion is also interesting in terms of production and/or prices, for making fine mechanical parts.
Not every production process requires full time manning of the machines. As a result, machines can keep running during hours that no physical work is being performed. The combination of the speed of the production process and – if the process and the product allow this – minimal staffing, realise attractive rates.
One of the main advantages is, for instance, the realisation of square, even and even uneven corners of blind holes. Sharp angles are no challenge for the EDM machining device. Solidified materials are excellently suitable for this kind of spark erosion, in combination with the abovementioned technical challenges. Are you in doubt? The, by all means, ask for advice and contact us free of obligation!
Also read the article in our knowledge base: ‘How are injection moulds made‘
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EDM machining: we think along with you!
One of the specialties Nefratech EDM-Center has had for years, in addition to the wire EDM is the EDM machining. Before starting a project, we are more than willing to think along with you. Our knowledge and expertise will help you in taking the right decision. When will one choose EDM machining, for which products or which price difference is EDM machining advantageous, compared to other production methods, and what are – in the other instance – the advantages of wire EDM relative to EDM machining?
Since the clamping resources for the zinc eroding are extremely flexible, relatively easily multiple small series or even some products can be made without the need for staff. Read more about the advantages of EDM machining or about the accuracy and roughness.
Advantages of EDM machining:
- High speed in combination with process accuracy
- The process can largely be implemented without staff
- Up to a roughness of Ra 0.2 μm
- Maximum tolerance 0.005 mm
- Realising square, (un)even corners and blind holes
- Realization of sharp corners
- Processing of solidified materials
The EDM-machining process
The workpiece is machined by the use of an electrode. For a certain precision in a notch, multiple electrodes must be created. The electrode can be processed by means of machining, in virtually any desired form. Then the product is machined on the EDM machining device into the workpiece. For the processing of square holes, blind holes, and sharp angles, in combination with solidified material, zinc eroding is the ideal solution.
Which forms by EDM machining?
The typical geometry of components often consists of a complex 3D shape, usually with small or uneven-shaped corners. Also vertical, orbital, spiral, conical, rotating, spin- and indexing machining cycles are applied.
Roughness and accuracy
The maximum tolerance to be reached is at 0.005 mm and end roughness at a maximum of 0.2 Ra. The feasibility of these tolerances depends on a number of factors:
- Material type
- Geometry
- Size

EDM machining products:
- Mold cavities of injection molds
- Key-ways
- Spline gearings
- And lots more…

Climatised production facility
The advanced machine park of Nefratech EDM Center is situated in a climatized production area. Our production facility offers the team all the space to do what they are good at providing innovative and premium solutions. Regardless of shape, size, material, or numbers. Our USP’s are short lead times, accuracy, direct communication, as well as a sleek organization.